Project genesis
Wasdaq : the project genesis and proof of concept
Last updated
Wasdaq : the project genesis and proof of concept
Last updated
In May 2021, I launched Wasdaq, the first token that can be traded at predefined hours (Nasdaq hours: 9:30 AM - 4 PM NYC Time, closed on weekends).
Wasdaq served as the proof of concept that allowed me to study the idea for over 2 years, assess its adoption, and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
With this knowledge, I adjusted the DEX Woken project and placed myself on the builder's side to determine the possible outcomes of start and stop effects.
At the beginning of the project, I was working more than 15 hours a day... developing and managing the community left me little time to rest.
Gradually, I learned to disconnect when the market was closed: I could enjoy my loved ones without being stressed by the market or concentrating solely on tasks relating to the development of the project: I gained in well-being, serenity and productivity. This is also true for my community, which has learned to cut out social networks and charts. And as a builder, it would be impossible for me to turn back to 24-7 now, I'm really happy to be able to take a break without any stress.
Originally, the Woken DEX was to offer several markets with predefined trading hours, based on the hours of the world's stock markets, to let anyone to tokenize on one of these markets (based on the principle launched with Wasdaq).
But the experience with the Wasdaq token made me realize that imposed markets are not adapted to the crypto world, that trading hours limited to 6.30 hours / day are not enough liquid, and that it was better to review the entire model...
2021/05/27 : Launch of our website /social media 2021/07/05 : Fair launch on PancakeSwap (Binance Chain) 2021/08 : Start marketing 2021/10 : Start our bridge development to become cross-chain on Avalanche c-chain 2021/11/08 : Officially launch on Trader Joe DEX (co-marketing with the TJ team) 2021/12 : CMC / CG Listing : new kind of situation for them Now : +2000 diamond hands Holders that became $WKN genesis holders (WSDQ > WKN) (project genesis)