🕓Settings Trading Hours

For PairAdmin / PairAdminDao

Once Timekeeper has been enabled, the Project Owner/Builder (PairAdmin) can customize the trading hours of the liquidity pair(s) he has created.

  1. Select the days you want to be open

  2. Choose your opening and closing hours (24h format), which will be applied to your market opening days.

  3. Define your timezone (UTC). The UTC displayed for your pair represents its UTC setting on the blockchain, not user computer setting. Updating the timezone is especially useful for daylight saving time changes.

  4. Choose whether you wish to use the 24h/Day (OnlyDay) function When enabled (true), the pair settings no longer take the times entered, but only the working days according to UTC. In the example shown above, if the 24h/Day option has been ENABLED (true), the market opening for the WKN-ETH pair would be: Open on Monday at 00:00 UTC +2 without interruption until close on Thursday at 00:00 UTC+2. Then reopening on Saturday at 00:00 UTC+2.

  5. Click Save to validate your Timekeeper modification. Your wallet will open to execute the function and your new settings will then be applied to your pair.

function setTimeForPair
function (address _pair, uint8 openingHour, uint8 openingMinute, uint8 closingHour, uint8 closingMin, uint8[7] memory ClosedDays, int8 utcOffset, bool onlyDay) public isPairAdmin(_pair)  {
        require (isTKEnabled(_pair), "You must Enable your Timekeeper to edit your Trading Hours");
        _setKeeperGlobal(_pair, openingHour, openingMinute , closingHour, closingMin, ClosedDays, utcOffset, onlyDay);
        delete TimekeeperPerLpWaitingForApproval[_pair];
        emit TimekeeperChange(_pair);

Only the Project Owner/Builder (PairAdmin) who created the PAIR can edit its Timekeeper. If another user adds liquidity to an existing pair, he will not be able to edit the pair's Timekeeper.


What settings do you recommend ?

It all depends on your business and your needs. However, we recommend to not set a too restrictive trading hours in order to keep your market sufficiently liquid.

Do I have to change my trading hours often ?

We don't advise you to change your trading hours too often, as this can destabilize your community.

There will always be an initial period when you're looking for your best settings, and you'll try different configurations before you find the times that suit you best.

Our advice is to stick with the settings that work best for you and always discuss them with your community before changing them.

What if I want to close on a public holiday ?

Of course, you may decide to close your market because a certain day is a holiday in your area. Always discuss with your community before deciding to close your market.

Last updated