Find out how to submit and vote market for a Woken Certified Project
Only PairAdminDao can submit a proposal
Go to the Timekeeper page and edit your trading hours
Click on Save
Check your requested settings
Enter a description for your proposal.
Select the type of voting: Basic voting (predefined fields) or Single choice (customizable fields).
Click on Confirm to sign and execute the transaction on your wallet
Your proposal is published
Voting begins automatically 1 hour after the proposal is published.
The voting period is automatically set to 48 hours once voting has begun.
Don't forget to discuss it on the Discord server before voting!
You must have the minimum of WKNs required to vote on a proposal.
Go to the voting page
Click on the proposal you wish to vote for
Choose your answer
Click on Vote
Don't forget to discuss it on the Discord server before voting!
If a proposal is accepted after the voting period, a Timekeeper's modification request will then be approved by the Woken team.
function setTimekeeperFromProposal(address _pair) public isDexOrModerators{
delete TimekeeperPerLpWaitingForApproval[_pair];
emit TimekeeperChange(_pair);
function refuseProposal(address _pair) public isDexOrModerators{
delete TimekeeperPerLpWaitingForApproval[_pair];
emit TimekeeperProposal(_pair);
This validation process will be fully automated in Woken V2.
See the Snapshot API part.
Woken team can NOT modify a pair's settings.
Only approve or reject a PairAdminDao modification request according to the voting results.