This means that you can enable your Timekeeper and edit your pair's trading hours as you like, and as often as you like.
The Timekeeper is a tool, an option, and we want it to be available to everyone.
It's up to you to inform your community of any time changes.
And it's up to your community to trust you, as like any kind of web3 project.
But this can also be a barrier for some investors...
That's why we've set up the Role PairAdminDao to become Certified Project
function requestPairAdminDao
function (address _pair) public isPairAdmin(_pair) {
require(pairAdmin[_pair] == msg.sender, "Only PairAdmin can request to become PairAdminDao");
emit RolePairAdminDaoRequested(_pair, msg.sender);
By becoming a PairAdminDao any changes to your Timekeeper will go through the Woken DAO. Changes to your pair's settings will only be made if the quorum of your proposal is reached during your community vote.
You therefore guarantee to your community that your trading hours cannot change without their knowledge.
function setTimeForPairDao = emit TimekeeperProposal
DAO for Certified Projects will only be available on the Arbitrum blockchain 1 month after the launch of Woken Exchange.
We plan to gradually extend it to other blockchains according to the established roadmap.
Why becoming Certified Project ?
While we provide a bot that notifies in real time of changes to the settings for each pair on our DEX, some investors feel more comfortable investing in a project when they know that a builder can't change the trading hours without their consent.
By joining the DAO, you also become a Woken Certified Project, with all the benefits that brings.
It's important to note that it's generally not a good idea to change your trading hours too often, as it can be disruptive to your community.
Opting for a community vote to change the settings only few times a year is not likely to be a hindrance.
Can the process be reversed?
Yes, you can switch from the PairAdminDao role back to the PairAdmin role.
Of course, this process will be voted on by your community.
The reason you asked to join the DAO (and thus become a Woken Certified Project) is to assure your investors that you can't change your trading hours without notifying them.
A vote on the DAO will then be required.
If the proposal is approved by your community, you'll be able to switch back to PairAdmin.
function requestPairAdmin(address _pair) public isPairAdminDao(_pair) {