🔃Swap open/closed
Stop & Start Swap
Our Swap page lets you swap a Token A for a Token B.
Woken Exchange gives to Project owners/Builders (PairAdmin) the option of enabling their pair's Timekeeper (Token A + Token B) to customize trading hours (swap).
So, if the Timekeeper is enabled for a pair, swaps are only allowed if its market is open.
Dynamic Open/Closed module
We have developed a dynamic "open/closed" module that listens our smart contracts to display 3 different states in real time on our interface: Timekeeper Disabled, Timekeeper Enabled, No Liquidity. This lets you know whether a pair is tradable or not.
Timekeeper Disabled
Timekeeper Enabled
The module settings display
Timekeeper settings for a pair :
market opening days
market opening time
market closing time
UTC (timezone)
24h/day is enabled: true or false When 24h/day is enabled (true), then the pair's settings no longer consider the specified hours (which become grayed out/inactive), but only the working days according to UTC.
In the screenshot example above, the opening market for Pair WKN-WSDQ would then be, if the 24h/Day option has been enabled (true): Opening on Monday at 00:00 UTC +2 without interruption until closing on Thursday at 00:00 UTC+2. Then reopening on Friday at 00:00 UTC+2.
If the Force Open function has been enabled
The countdown is always there to alert you to the exact time before the market opens/closes.
No Liquidity
The UTC displayed for a pair represents its configuration on the blockchain and not your computer's configuration. The countdown is there to notify you about opening or closing trading time for a pair.
Last updated