Swap open/closed
Stop & Start Swap
Last updated
Stop & Start Swap
Last updated
Our Swap page lets you swap a Token A for a Token B.
Woken Exchange gives to Project owners/Builders (PairAdmin) the option of enabling their pair's Timekeeper (Token A + Token B) to customize trading hours (swap).
So, if the Timekeeper is enabled for a pair, swaps are only allowed if its market is open.
We have developed a dynamic "open/closed" module that listens our smart contracts to display 3 different states in real time on our interface: Timekeeper Disabled, Timekeeper Enabled, No Liquidity. This lets you know whether a pair is tradable or not.
The module displays that the pair is tradable 24-7 : just like any AMM, you can swap Token A for Token B at any time.
Timekeeper settings for a pair :
market opening days
market opening time
market closing time
UTC (timezone)
24h/day is enabled: true or false When 24h/day is enabled (true), then the pair's settings no longer consider the specified hours (which become grayed out/inactive), but only the working days according to UTC.
In the screenshot example above, the opening market for Pair WKN-WSDQ would then be, if the 24h/Day option has been enabled (true): Opening on Monday at 00:00 UTC +2 without interruption until closing on Thursday at 00:00 UTC+2. Then reopening on Friday at 00:00 UTC+2.
If the Force Open function has been enabled
The countdown is always there to alert you to the exact time before the market opens/closes.
The UTC displayed for a pair represents its configuration on the blockchain and not your computer's configuration. The countdown is there to notify you about opening or closing trading time for a pair.
The module displays that the market for the pair is closed : you cannot swap Token A for Token B until the market opens, which will be done automatically on our interface. A countdown warns you of the time remaining before the market opens for this pair. The pair's settings (trading days and hours) are also displayed.
The module displays that the market for the pair is open : you can swap Token A for Token B until the market closes, which will be done automatically on our interface. A countdown warns you of the time remaining before the market closed for this pair. The pair's settings (trading days and times) are also displayed.
Swap impossible for a pair without liquidity